Sunrise Industries is committed to achieving superior customer service, product quality, and industry know-how. That same commitment is what earned us the reputation for being one of the industry’s premier suppliers of limited-wear and disposable clothing.
Workers need to be safe, comfortable, and stylish. That’s why Sunrise offers a complete line of limited-wear personal protective apparel made with quality materials and superior craftsmanship that meet or exceed industry safety requirements and standards. Our selection of products includes coveralls, lab coats, jackets, smocks, and gowns in a variety of styles and materials. We offer the best in fabric selection and can custom-tailor personal protective apparel to meet your requirements for keeping workers safe from hazardous particulates, liquids, and chemicals.
Sunrise Industries has built its business on establishing relationships that last. Personal attention to meeting our customers’ needs and the ability to supply the employer with a cost-effective alternative to reusable garments has made Sunrise the preferred choice for limited-wear personal protective apparel.
Because there is no single type garment or protective fabric that will protect all workers from all workplace hazards, Sunrise Industries provides a full line of limited-wear protective apparel and accessories - all designed to meet your task-specific requirements.
As a leading supplier of Industrial Safety Apparel, Sunrise keeps abreast of emerging technologies, protective fabric developments, and safety requirements designed to keep everyone in your organization safe from task-specific hazards. Whether your workers need barrier protection, chemical protection, or FR and chemical resistant protection, Sunrise can help you select the limited-wear apparel that will meet your specific performance and application requirements. We offer a diverse product selection from a variety of disposable safety clothing manufacturers as well.
Sunrise also offers limited-wear apparel and accessories for the Dental, Medical, Food Processing and Death Care industries. Everything from lab coats to gloves, face masks, and bouffants - we help you keep your workforce safe, comfortable, and in some cases, even stylish.